What To Expect
Whether you are brand new to church or you’ve been around church for a while; we want to say welcome! Our goal is to create an environment and experience where you can encounter God in the midst of your life.

During the Service
When you visit, we want you to be inspired by the music, encouraged by the message, and reminded that God loves you! Each service includes clear, practical, Bible teaching that applies to your life and engaging music and worship to recenter your heart on God.
The children at WHCC are getting a great foundation in the Word of God. Each Sunday they are ministered to by dedicated and faithful teachers whose priorities are your children's safety, discipleship and lots of FUN! Learn more here.

We encourage you to come in the way you feel most comfortable. You'll see everything from casual, business casual, and suits.
We have reserved parking spaces for first time guests. Look for the "Guest Parking" signs.

Our friendly greeters will be at the door waiting to greet you. They will assist you with any questions you have.
We have ushers each service to help you find a seat for you and your family.