Through your giving, WHCC supports humanitarian work around the world.

Empower International
Their vision is to express the message of God’s love and salvation to people who have never heard it before. They empower existing and emerging Christian leaders to communicate this message with their people, by word and deed. They've established bases in Thailand, Myanmar, and Pakistan, where volunteers and national staff work together to carry out this mission.
Website: http://www.empower.global

What Matters Ministries and Missions
Their vision is to impact and change the global crisis of forgotten, abused, and discarded children and widows in developing countries by providing self-esteem and value through education, housing, food, and health care.
They rescue orphans, care for widows, and feed the poor. They also provide medical care, and education.
Website: http://www.whatmattersmm.org/

Global Ventures
Since JSMI/Global Ventures was founded in 1998, they have seen over 2.4 million souls won to Christ through mass crusade evangelism and strategic outreaches. In many unreached areas of the world, Global Ventures has planted churches and trained Christian leaders with effective strategies to disciple new believers and reach out to their communities.
Website: https://globalventures.tv/
We also support people in need locally.

West Houston Assistance Ministries
WHAM is the social services outreach of a coalition of Christian churches located in West Houston. It is dedicated to the provision of social services to the needy without regard to race, religion, gender, national origin or disability. It strives to be a living manifestation of the principles of Christ's Sermon on the Mount in the world. WHAM provides food, clothing, and financial assistance. They also provide employment services such as adult education, job search assistance, and transportation.
Website: http://www.whamministries.org/

Somebody Cares
Motivated by the love of God to serve communities without discrimination, Somebody Cares America/International (SCA/I) mobilizes churches and volunteers for compassion initiatives, prayer and disaster response; as well as develops godly leadership to influence culture.
Website: https://www.somebodycares.org/

Women's Pregnancy Center
Women’s Pregnancy Center provides counseling, pregnancy & parenting education, pregnancy tests and ultrasounds, and on-going support.
Their goal is to restore, encourage, support, and teach individuals who are facing situations that prevent them from achieving their full potential in Christ.
Website: https://wpchouston.com/